Mission Team Lead

Title:   Mission Team Co-Leaders/Lead    

Purpose: To support local, national and international mission groups with volunteers and financial help and help determine whether missions fit within the overall goals of St. Luke’s.

Responsible to: Lead Pastor of Worship & Missional Life, and the community

Description of Duties: Set the agenda and conduct monthly meetings. Plan and coordinate which missions will be supported (and when.) Write articles for the chronicle and bulletin (or delegate to others on team), provide communications between St. Luke’s staff and team members, audit finances of mission projects,  work with directors of local community groups and plan for projects to support their work. Coordinate the Giving Tree each Christmas.  Attend quarterly Executive Team meetings with clergy team and team leads from other groups.  Attend Common Table meetings when they are scheduled (usually once or twice per year.)

Time Requirements: Through the year, approximately 2 hours weekly with preparation or on an as-needed basis

Term: 2 years

Training and Resources: Meet with past team leaders. Review agendas, minutes of meetings, meet with coordinators of Inter-Faith and any other groups currently being helped.

Skills and gifts: A passion for missions; a willingness to serve

Benefits to one serving in this role:
An opportunity to serve the community and the world through mission projects.

Updated 09/2019 (RP)